Frage zum Artikel Buch Pitkin Pictorials "Pitkin Pride of Britain - Pictorial Collection of 18 Volumes"
Buch Pitkin Pictorials
Verkauf durch carla Vorarlberg

Buch Pitkin Pictorials "Pitkin Pride of Britain - Pictorial Collection of 18 Volumes"

€ 69,00
This is a Collection of 18 paperback staple-bound books from the Pitkin Pride of Britain series. The Collection contains the following titles:
"The Pictorial History of The City of London - The One Square Mile"
"The Pictorial History of Westminster Abbey - Founded in the year 1065"
"The Pictorial History of Hampton Court - The Royal Palace and Gardens"
"The Pictorial History of Eton College"
"St. George's Chapel Windsor - and the History of the most Noble Order of the Garter"
"The Pictorial History of Cambridge - The University City and the Colleges"
"A Brief History of the National Gallery of Scotland - with a Representative selection of Pictures"
"The Pictorial History of Pete Borough Cathedral - Cathedral Church of St. Peter, St. Paul and St. Andrew"
"The Pictorial History of Lincoln Cathedral - Otherwise called Lincoln Minster"
"The Pictorial History of St. Giles' Cathedral - The high Kirk of Edinburgh"
"The Pictorial History of Durham Cathedral"
"The Pictorial History of Ely Cathedral"
"The Pictorial History of Buckingham Palace - The Queen's London Home"
"The History and Treasures of Windsor Castle"
"The Pictorial Story of the Royal Tour of India and Pakistan - And the State visits to Nepal and Iran"
"The Pictorial Guide to the Tower of London - The Crown Jewels in Colour"
"The Royal Line of succession - With Genealogical Tables"
"Britain's Kings and Queens - 63 Reigns in 1100 Years"

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