Frage zum Artikel Buch Eva Valebrokk,Thomas Thiis-Evensen "Norway's Stave Churches"
Buch Eva Valebrokk,Thomas Thiis-Evensen
Verkauf durch carla Vorarlberg

Buch Eva Valebrokk,Thomas Thiis-Evensen "Norway's Stave Churches"

€ 20,00
The Norwegian Stave Churches are unique - there are no structures like them anywhere in the world. They possess a striking individuality, a character that is distinctively Norwegian. One cannot enter a stave church without being overwhelmed by a feeling of awe. The aechitecture enhancesthe spiritual message of the church and the "staves", the masts that support the entire structure, also elevate one's thoughts. More than 800 years have left their mark on these ancient structures, and cause us to reflect on our heritage in wonderment and humility. Imagine the moments of love, sorrow, hope and faith that theses churches have witnessed between the 1100s and the present.

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