The Pocket Lawyer for Filmmakers - Thomas A. Crowell - Bild 1
The Pocket Lawyer for Filmmakers - Thomas A. Crowell - Bild 1
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The Pocket Lawyer for Filmmakers - Thomas A. Crowell

Verkauf durch Volkshilfe Wien
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€ 12,00
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Artikel Beschreibung

* You have an idea you want to pitch to a production company; how do you safeguard your concept? * There's a painting in the background of your independent film; is it necessary to clear the rights? * The screenplay you and a friend wrote gets optioned; how do you split the proceeds fairly? * How do you get a script to popular Hollywood actors or deal with their agents? Find quick answers to these and hundreds of other questions in The Pocket Lawyer for Film and Video, the next best thing to having an entertainment attorney at your beck and call. Written by a TV-producer-turned-entertainment-lawyer, this no-nonsense reference provides fast answers in plain English: no law degree required! The Pocket Lawyer is designed to help producers reduce legal costs by providing the vital information needed to make informed decisions on the legal aspects of film, video, and TV productions. Film and video production is a litigation lighting rod: actors get hurt, copyrights are infringed, and contracts are broken. Big-budget producers have lawyers on retainer, but many independent filmmakers are left legally exposed. Arm yourself with the practical advice in this book. You will not only avoid common pitfalls, but become empowered in your daily work. Too many otherwise competent producers turn over every aspect of the deal negotiations to their lawyers and agents. This book explains the principal deals common to every production, putting producers back in the co-pilot seat with their representatives. The format is carefully designed for quick reference, so you get the answers you need, fast. Features include: * Clause Companion: explains the meaning and impact of typical contract clauses, taking the headache out of reading them. * F.A.Qs: instantly answers the most commonly asked legal questions. * Warnings: alerts you to critical areas and common mistakes. * Pro-Tips: advice on unions, escrow accounts, etc. for producers who want to distribute their video widely. * Avoid legal pitfalls with this quick reference guide: get instant answers * Written in plain English for filmmakers, not lawyers * Three books in one: a handy manual on film contracts, a step-by-step guide to critical legal issues on and off the set, and a quick reference on copyright and intellectual property issues
Thomas A. Crowell
Taylor & Francis
Buch Typ
Motion pictures
Independent filmmakers
Law and legislation
Legal status, laws
Motion pictures, production and direction
Motion pictures, law and legislation
Artikelnummer / GSAN
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