Frage zum Artikel Draw Your Big Idea - Heather Willems,Nora Herting
Draw Your Big Idea - Heather Willems,Nora Herting - Bild 2
Verkauf durch Volkshilfe Wien

Draw Your Big Idea - Heather Willems,Nora Herting

€ 15,00
In this increasingly visual age, images speak louder than words. Studies show that images also help people think. Visual note-taking such as doodlng increases memory retention rates by nearly 30 percent, and opens creative pathways, strengthens focus, and inspires self-expression. Driven by these groundbreaking findings, entrepreneurs Nora Herting and Heather Willems founded ImageThink, a graphic facilitation firm that has helped an elite roster of clients—from Google to Pepsi to NASA—visualize their ideas and transform their creative processes using simple drawing techniques that anyone can master. Draw Your Big Idea presents their sought-after guidance and more than 150 drawing exercises tailored to brainstorming, refining, and executing ideas in the home, design studio, and office. With this workbook, readers will learn to beat creative block—for good!

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