The European Discovery of America - Samuel Eliot Morison - Bild 1
The European Discovery of America - Samuel Eliot Morison - Bild 1
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The European Discovery of America - Samuel Eliot Morison

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Volkshilfe Wien
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Über The European Discovery of America - Samuel Eliot Morison

This volume presents an account of the great age of European exploration, describing all known voyages across the North Atlantic to the New World prior to 1600, and of the intrepid mariners, and the adventurers who sent them forth. The roll call includes all the great explorers: Leif Ericsson, John Cabot, Verrazzano, Gomez, Jacques Cartier, Martin Frobisher, John Davis, Sir Walter Raleigh and his kinsmen Grenville and Gilbert, and a full gathering of their competitors. This work also offers a look at the imaginary lands reported by early travelers (such mythical places as Antilia and the Seven Cities, the glorious Kingdoms of Norumbega and Saguenay, and Hy-Brasil the Isle of the Blest) and examines the alleged discoverers of these lands.
Artikelnummer / GSAN
mit Schönheitsfehler
Samuel Eliot Morison
Oxford University Press, USA
Buch Typ
History, Voyages and travels, Discovery and exploration, Voyages, Juvenile Nonfiction, Journeys, Discoveries in geography, Europeanen, Ontdekkingsreizen, Découverte et exploration, Exploration, Voyages en mer, America, America, discovery and exploration, Entdeckungsreise, Ocean travel, 500-1616,
1 kg

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