Tears of the Giraffe - Alexander McCall Smith - Bild 1
Tears of the Giraffe - Alexander McCall Smith - Bild 1
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Tears of the Giraffe - Alexander McCall Smith

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Volkshilfe Wien
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Über Tears of the Giraffe - Alexander McCall Smith

THE NO.1 LADIES' DETECTIVE AGENCY introduced the world to the one and only Precious Ramotswe - the engaging and sassy owner of Botswana's only detective agency. TEARS OF THE GIRAFFE, McCall Smith's second book, takes us further into this world as we follow Mama Ramotswe into more daring situations ... Among her cases this time are wayward wives, unscrupulous maids, and the challenge to resolve a mother's pain for her son who is long lost on the African plains. Indeed, Mma Ramotswe's own impending marriage to the most gentlemanly of men, Mr J.L.B. Matekoni, the promotion of Mma's secretary to the dizzy heights of Assistant Detective, and the arrival of new members to the Matekoni family, all brew up the most humorous and charmingly entertaining of tales. * TEARS OF THE GIRAFFE was selected as one of the GUARDIAN's top ten 'Fiction Paperbacks of the Year, 2000
Artikelnummer / GSAN
mit Schönheitsfehler
Alexander McCall Smith
Buch Typ
Fiction, Detective and mystery stories, Fiction, mystery & detective, women sleuths, Private investigators, Private investigators, fiction, Botswana, Botswana, fiction, Ramotswe, precious (fictitious character), fiction, Women detectives,

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