Frage zum Artikel DMZ Vol. 3 - Public Works - Brian Wood, Riccardo Burchielli
DMZ Vol. 3 - Public Works - Brian Wood, Riccardo Burchielli  - Bild 2
Verkauf durch carla Wien

DMZ Vol. 3 - Public Works - Brian Wood, Riccardo Burchielli

€ 6,00
DMZ - Public Works
Brian Wood, Ricardo Burchielli
Vertigo Comics
Info Zustand: Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten sind in einem guten Zustand
Matty Roth, aspiring photojournalist, continues his one-man mission to report on the war behind the war - the struggle of the civilians caught in this no man's-land during the Second American Civil War.

In Public Works, he's gone deep undercover, posing as an unskilled worker to infiltrate the ranks of Trustwell, Inc., the winner of a lucrative no-bid contract to rebuild Manhattan. Of course he suspects there is more to the situation than meets the eye, but is he prepared for exactly what he might find... or how far he needs to go to find it?

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