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Python Machine Learning - Sebastian Raschka, Vahid Mirjalili - Bild 2
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Python Machine Learning - Sebastian Raschka, Vahid Mirjalili

€ 29,00
Python Machine Learning - Sebastian Raschka & Vahid Mirjalili
Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn and Tensor Flow
Second Edition - Fully revised and updated
Textsprache: Englisch
Info Zustand: Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten sind einwandfrei
Machine learning is eating the software world. Understand and work at the cutting edge of machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning with this second edition of Sebastian Raschka's bestselling book, Python Machine Learning. Modernized and extended to include the latest open source technologies, including scikit-learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, Python Machine Learning Second Edition offers the practical knowledge and techniques you need to create effective machine learning and deep learning applications in Python. Sebastian Raschka and Vahid Mirjalili's unique insight and expertise introduce you to machine learning and deep learning algorithms, before progressing to advanced topics in data analysis. This book combines the theoretical principles of machine learning with a hands-on coding approach for a thorough grasp of machine learning theory and implementation using Python.

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