Frage zum Artikel Vom Boykott zur "Entjudung" - Avraham Barkai
Vom Boykott zur
Verkauf durch Volkshilfe Wien

Vom Boykott zur "Entjudung" - Avraham Barkai

€ 5,00
Describes the progressive exclusion of Jews from the German economy by alternating applications of "popular anger" in the form of boycotts and violence against Jewish businesses and of legislative and administrative measures. Traces in detail how Jews were dismissed from the public service and prohibited from engaging in a growing number of occupations; businesses and real estate were Aryanized and special taxes completed the pauperization of the Jews. During the war, German Jews were concentrated in "Jewish houses", forced to hand over "superfluous" belongings, including clothing, and drafted for forced labor. With the mass deportations in 1942-43, the Nazis were able to extort or confiscate whatever Jewish property remained.

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