Frage zum Artikel Microtectonics - C. W. Passchier
Microtectonics - C. W. Passchier - Bild 2
Verkauf durch carla Wien

Microtectonics - C. W. Passchier

€ 30,00
Microtectonics - C. W. Passchier
High number of high-quality line drawings and photographs not only support the text but also give readers vaulable experience in interprating what they observe in the field
Newest developments in microtectonics have been included in all chapters, so that all chapters have been revised and updated, e.g. new information on brittle microstructures
Info Zustand: Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten einwandfrei
Microtectonics deals with the interpretation of microstructures, small-scale deformation structures in rocks that yield abundant information on the history and type of deformation and metamorphism. The results are used by geologists to obtain data for large-scale geological interpretations. This advanced textbook treats common microstructures such as foliations, porphyroblasts, veins, fringes and shear sense indicators. The book mainly focusses on optical microscopy as a tool to study microstructures, but also describes other techniques such as EBSD and tomography. Many photographs and explanatory drawings clarify the text. The new edition, substantially revised throughout and extended, features two new chapters (primary structures and experimental microstructures), 68 new figures, more than 800 new references. Microtectonics has proven useful for self study of microstructures and as a manual for short- and one-semester courses.
Details of the changes in the second edition -
Newest developments in microtectonics have been included in all chapters so that al chapters have been revised and updated, e.g. new information on brittle microstructures.
Two new chapters have been added, on primary structures and experimental microstructures
Chapters on veins, shear zones, natural microgauges experimental modelling techniques and alternative techniques have been completely renewed, over 800 new references have been added.

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