Frage zum Artikel Logarithms and Exponentials - Chris McMullen
Logarithms and Exponentials - Chris McMullen - Bild 2
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Logarithms and Exponentials - Chris McMullen

€ 8,00
Logarithms and Exponentials Essential Skills Practice Workbook with Answers - Chris McMullen
Info Zustand: Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten bis auf leichte Verschmutzungen in sehr gutem Zustand
Master essential logarithm and exponential skills through helpful explanations, instructive examples, and plenty of practice exercises with answers.

Authored by experienced teacher, Chris McMullen, Ph.D., this self-study math workbook covers: logarithms of various bases and natural logarithms, the change of base formula, logarithm rules like the sum and difference formulas, exponential functions, hyperbolic functions and their inverses, graphs of logarithms, exponentials, and hyperbolic functions, a concise review of exponents in the first chapter, Euler's number, applications such as population growth, continuously compounded interest, and radioactive nuclear decays, an introduction to complex numbers in the last chapter, an optional chapter covering the calculus of logarithms, exponentials, and hyperbolic functions.

The author, Chris McMullen, Ph.D., has over twenty years of experience teaching math skills to physics students. He prepared this workbook of the Improve Your Math Fluency series to share his strategies for working with logarithms and exponentials.

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