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Choose Words Choose Life - Lynelle Zandstra - Bild 2
Verkauf durch Volkshilfe Wien

Choose Words Choose Life - Lynelle Zandstra

€ 8,00
The goal of this book is to examine some very specific things that we can do in the lives of our children to teach them truths - truths that transform. It's not enough to simply protect our kids. A sapling must be protected until it's strong enough to be transplanted outside in a garden. Eventually, though, that sapling must be moved outside or it will become root bound and die. It would be a foolish gardener who would move the sapling outside without first making sure he had done everything to get the tree ready for the "outside" world. So it is with our children. Protecting is appropriate for a season; then we must begin to prepare them to be strong and thrive. The wind that would destroy a sapling causes the young tree to grow deeper roots and stronger limbs. How do we capture the hearts and minds of the next generation as we both protect and prepare them to thrive? How do we avoid becoming simply "talking heads" to our kids while their eyes glaze over and they tune us out? The answer is found in these 51 easy, yet life changing dates to take with your kids.

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