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Bioethics - Gilbert Meilaender - Bild 2
Verkauf durch Volkshilfe Wien

Bioethics - Gilbert Meilaender

€ 12,00
In the face of rapid advances in medical research and treatment, bioethics has become a serious social concern. Originally published in 1996 and later chosen by World magazine as one of the top 100 books of the twentieth century, Gilbert Meilaender s Bioethics covers a wide range of pressing bioethical issues and offers discerning guidance on how Christians ought to think about them. In admirably clear language Meilaender discusses abortion, assisted reproduction, genetic advance and prenatal screening, care for the dying and euthanasia, human experimentation, and more. This new edition of his Bioethics features updated information throughout, a fuller discussion of human embryos — including stem cell research — and a thorough rewrite of the chapter on organ donation.

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