Frage zum Artikel Tom Daley My Story - Tom Daley
Tom Daley My Story - Tom Daley - Bild 2
Verkauf durch carla Wien

Tom Daley My Story - Tom Daley

€ 6,00
Tom Daley - My Story
Die Erfolgsgeschichte und das Leben von Tom Daley
Textsprache: Englisch
Info Zustand: Schutzumschlag ist leicht berieben und bestoßen, Einband und Schnittkanten sind in einem sehr guten Zustand
In this, Tom's first official memoir, he offers unprecedented access to the pressures, challenges and fascinating experiences of a word-class Olympian. From his day-to-day schedule, his hobbies and family life, to sharing his hopes and dreams in the build-up to the London Olympics, this book offers a unique chance to get close to Tom. Packed with photos - many never - before seen this inspiring account of one young man's setbacks and triumphs as he reaches fot the top is the ultimate book for the 2012 Olympics.

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