The Red Hat Society (R)'s Laugh Lines - Sue Ellen Cooper - Bild 1
The Red Hat Society (R)'s Laugh Lines - Sue Ellen Cooper - Bild 1
Artikel Zustand:  mit Schönheitsfehler
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The Red Hat Society (R)'s Laugh Lines - Sue Ellen Cooper

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Volkshilfe Wien
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Über The Red Hat Society (R)'s Laugh Lines - Sue Ellen Cooper

Life begins at 50! And the women of the Red Hat Society are proud of it. In The Red Hat Society's Laugh LInes. Sue Ellen Cooper and the women of the RHS celebrate the life experiences that have made them who they are today. Over the years, they've accumulated well-earned laugh lines and cry-lines from wonderfully funny, incredibly touching stories that will warm readers' hearts and touch their souls. Just as there is so much more to each of these women than a purple outfit and a red hat, there's so much more to their lives than the RHS--"from their husbands, children, and grandchildren to living life fabulously after 50. This book is a collection of some of the most touching and funniest stories that they want to share with their sisters, and is filled with sidebars recommending their favorite books and movies. With contributions from members across the country, this collection is bound to thrill all Red Hatters--"and those who soon will be.
Artikelnummer / GSAN
mit Schönheitsfehler
Sue Ellen Cooper
Grand Central Publishing
Buch Typ
Large type books, Family & Relationships, Middle-aged women, Red Hat Society, Women, united states,

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