The House of the Spirits - Isabel Allende - Bild 1
The House of the Spirits - Isabel Allende - Bild 1
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The House of the Spirits - Isabel Allende

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Volkshilfe Wien
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Über The House of the Spirits - Isabel Allende

Spanning four generations, Isabel Allende's magnificent family saga is populated by a memorable, often eccentric cast of characters. Together, men and women, spirits, the forces of nature, and of history, converge in an unforgettable, wholly absorbing and brilliantly realised novel that is as richly entertaining as it is a masterpiece of modern literature.
Artikelnummer / GSAN
mit Schönheitsfehler
Isabel Allende
Random House
Buch Typ
Familie, Fiction, Fiction, general, Large type books, Man-woman relationships, FICTION, Domestic fiction, Spanish language materials, Families, Family life, Readers, Family, Social life and customs, open_syllabus_project, Historical, FICTION / Literary, Novela, Literary, Translations into English, Modern Literature, Domestic relations, Fiction, family life, Fiction, family life, general, Fiction, political, Spanish language, Love, Spanish fiction, Spanish language books, Conflict of generations, FICTION / Historical, Familia, Family relationships, Authors, Chilean, Chilean literature, Spanish American literature, Chilean Authors, Chilean Women authors, NOVELAS CHILENAS, magical realism, Italian fiction, Relaciones familiares, Autoras chilenos, Spirits, Man-woman relationships in fiction, Latin america, fiction, Chilean fiction, Novela chilena, FamiliasFiction, Chile, fiction, South america, fiction, Geisterhaus (Motion picture), Relations entre hommes et femmes, Spanish literature, In translation,

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