Frage zum Artikel My Side of the Matter - Truman Capote
My Side of the Matter - Truman Capote - Bild 2
Verkauf durch Volkshilfe Wien

My Side of the Matter - Truman Capote

€ 3,00
In May 2005 Penguin will publish 70 unique titles to celebrate the company's 70th birthday. The titles in the Pocket Penguins series are emblematic of the renowned breadth of quality of the Penguin list and will hark back to Penguin founder Allen Lane's vision of good books for all'. for both his fiction including Breakfast at Tiffany's and the pioneering In Cold Blood, a non-fiction novel' telling the true story of a brutal murder. Penguin Modern Classics publish the full range of Capote's novels and short stories, and the tales in My Side of the Matter show to the full the blend of cynicism, humour and love that characterized his finest work.

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