Jules Verne - Jules Verne - Bild 1
Jules Verne - Jules Verne - Bild 1
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Jules Verne - Jules Verne

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Volkshilfe Wien
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Über Jules Verne - Jules Verne

Get cozy with the classics! Jules Verne collects some of the author’s best-known works in a beautiful keepsake volume. 2013 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award Silver Finalist in Gift Books Legendary science fiction and adventure author Jules Verne is remembered for his fascinating stories of travel and excitement. With countless adaptations available, the titles of his works are familiar. But no joy can compare to reading the originals--and reading them in a deluxe classic edition is even better! This revised, elegant book features the African exploration of Five Weeks in a Balloon; the story of Captain Nemo and his submarine in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea; Around the World in Eighty Days, the famous story of an incredible expedition; and the classic Journey to the Center of the Earth, which takes readers into our world’s geological past. With a genuine leather cover, printed endpapers, and a ribbon bookmark, as well as an introduction by an expert on Verne’s life and writing, it’s an excellent introduction to the work of this well-loved author. Expand your home library--and your imagination--with Jules Verne!
Artikelnummer / GSAN
Jules Verne
Canterbury Classics
Buch Typ
Fiction, Fiction, science fiction, general, Translations into English, French Science fiction,

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