Frage zum Artikel Altar Ego - Kathy Lette
Altar Ego - Kathy Lette  - Bild 2
Verkauf durch Henry Laden Gänserndorf

Altar Ego - Kathy Lette

€ 5,00
Altar Ego - Kathy Lette
From the author of "FOETAL ATTRACTION" and "MAD COWS"
Altar Ego burned up bestseller lists in Britain & Australia--now American readers have a chance to fall in love with Kathy Lette's larger-than-life characters. Becky Steele is a self-proclaimed "new feminist" & holder of the Girls' Night Out record for the shortest amount of time between meeting someone & shagging him (nine minutes). But she has a query. Would it be a serious breach of etiquette to run out on her own wedding? Yes, the man in question is the right one. But has she had enough wrong ones? To make sure, she embarks on a jock-strap-twanging affair with a much younger rock star. (If only she didn't have to back out of the room so he can't see the backs of her thighs...) Sex, lies, & relationship angst play out to hilarious consequences in this absolutely fabulous novel.

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