Frage zum Artikel Eros Unbound - Anais Nin
Eros Unbound - Anais Nin - Bild 2
Verkauf durch Volkshilfe Wien

Eros Unbound - Anais Nin

€ 20,00
A na�ve model slowly discovering her sexuality; an erotic moonlight encounter on a beach; a man teaching the art of passion in a gypsy caravan; and a woman in love with a scent from Fez � Ana�s Nin�s stories explore the nature of sex and the awakening of desire. United by the theme of love, the writings in the Great Loves series span over two thousand years and vastly different worlds. Readers will be introduced to love�s endlessly fascinating possibilities and extremities: romantic love, platonic love, erotic love, gay love, virginal love, adulterous love, parental love, filial love, nostalgic love, unrequited love, illicit love, not to mention lost love, twisted and obsessional love�

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