Frage zum Artikel Judentum und Modernität - Leon Botstein
Judentum und Modernität - Leon Botstein - Bild 2
Verkauf durch Volkshilfe Wien

Judentum und Modernität - Leon Botstein

€ 2,50
Presents 12 lectures delivered at the Hochschule für angewandte Kunst, Vienna, in the summer semester of 1988. In relation to antisemitism, states that liquidation of the ghettos in Germany changed the traditional disdain for Jews to Jew-hatred as the Jews became competitors in all spheres of activity, especially in German culture. Relates to antisemitism in the 19th century, mentioning Karl Marx's and Richard Wagner's views, and Sigmund Freud's psychological analysis of this phenomenon. Discusses the misuse of the German language for anti-Jewish incitement in German and Austrian literature and in the press. Shows the influence of Joseph Roth's antisemitic experiences in Austria on his literary work. Surveys the persecution of Jews during the Nazi regime and its effect on German-Austrian culture. Mentions the difficulties in literary expression after the Holocaust. See especially the following essays: Die Entwicklung des Antisemitismus: Karl Marx und Richard Wagner (30-43); Antisemitismus und Sprachkritik (55-72); Antisemitismus und Sozialpsychologie: Sigmund Freud in den 20er und 30er Jahren (171-193); Die Juden in der Zwischenkriegszeit: Joseph Roth und der Antisemitismus vor 1938 (194-207); Im Schatten des Nazismus (208-220); Epilog: Sprache nach dem Holocaust (220-225).

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