Frage zum Artikel Antisemitismus ohne Antisemiten - Bernd Marin
Antisemitismus ohne Antisemiten - Bernd Marin - Bild 2
Verkauf durch Volkshilfe Wien

Antisemitismus ohne Antisemiten - Bernd Marin

€ 50,00
Analyzes "antisemitism without antisemites, and without Jews" in postwar Austria. The introduction by Gerhard Botz (p. 33-104) surveys the different stages of the persecution of Austrian Jewry between 1938-42. Marin contends that after the Holocaust a new form of antisemitism developed - covert and denied, while stereotypes and clichés continued to exist in the collective subconscious and in the private domain. Claims that persons who never had personal contact with Jews are more antisemitic, and that antisemitic prejudices are stronger in regions where there are no Jews. Based on analyses of the press and the media carried out in 1974-79, discusses their role in the fabrication of myths and a resurgence of that which has been repressed. Analyzes, also, phenomena such as xenophobia and hostility toward the weaker sectors of the population and outsiders, all of which promote scapegoating. Pp. 463-683 contain diagrams and tables presenting the results of polls concerning antisemitism and xenophobia carried out in Austria and in Central Europe between 1946-1991 (but mainly in the 1980s).

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