Die Eichmann-Männer - Hans Safrian - Bild 1
Die Eichmann-Männer - Hans Safrian - Bild 1
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Die Eichmann-Männer - Hans Safrian

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Volkshilfe Wien
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Über Die Eichmann-Männer - Hans Safrian

Describes the deportation of Jews from all the countries under German occupation or influence, in particular the role of the SS-men - mainly Austrians - of Eichmann's Section IV B 4. Most of them began their careers with Eichmann in the Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung in Vienna, where their success, aided by the antisemitism of the populace, brought them the reputation of experts. Subsequently they were sent wherever Jews were to be deported; they carried out their missions with efficiency, guile, and brutality, and also made sure of their own personal profit. Presents evidence that the transition from a Final Solution of resettlement to one of extermination was made by local commanders and middle-rank functionaries, among them Eichmann and some of his men, before it became official policy. Emphasizes that these men and their numerous helpers, including collaborators in the occupied countries, were not cogs in a machine but were motivated by acquisitiveness and by hatred of Jews. After the war, a few were tried and executed; others received relatively light punishment; many, like Eichmann and Alois Brunner, escaped.
Artikelnummer / GSAN
Hans Safrian
National socialism, World War, 1939-1945, Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Atrocities, Eichmann, Adolf,

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