The Music Pack - Ron Van der Meer, Michael Berkeley - Bild 1
The Music Pack - Ron Van der Meer, Michael Berkeley - Bild 2
The Music Pack - Ron Van der Meer, Michael Berkeley - Bild 3
The Music Pack - Ron Van der Meer, Michael Berkeley - Bild 1
The Music Pack - Ron Van der Meer, Michael Berkeley - Bild 2
The Music Pack - Ron Van der Meer, Michael Berkeley - Bild 3
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The Music Pack - Ron Van der Meer, Michael Berkeley

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Über The Music Pack - Ron Van der Meer, Michael Berkeley

The Music Pack - Ron Van der Meer, Michael Berkeley
Mit Papierfaltobjekten zur Veranschaulichung von Instrumenten
Musik CD enthalten
Zustand: Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten sehr gut
The Music Pack! It's filled with musical discovery and diversion: wíth paper instruments you can actually take out and "play" (a horn. drums, winds, etc.), with instructive pop-ups (including a piano that opens up and a complete orchestra), with 3-D models (a guitar's frets, slide trombone), and with glorious sound (a 75-minute CD featuring twenty classic musical masterpieces).
Here, from the wizards who created The Art Pack, is a rich, stimulating, altogether pleasurable way to learn about every aspect of musical history, about great composers and performers, and about musical performance and style east and west, north and south.

With The Music Pack you can:
• create your own sound on scale models of instruments
• see, through specially designed two-colour spectacles, the working mechanisms of a harpsichord and the motions of conductors and drummers
• discover how electric and electronic instruments work, and how music is recorded in the studio
• follow the development of notation, the symphony, opera, ballet, jazz, and musical theatre
• trace the roots and sources of the blues, salsa, rock and roll, and many other popular forms, on an active World Music Map
• hear selections from the works of twenty great and influential composers, from Josquin des Prez to Mozart and Beethoven to Stravinsky and Alban Berg-perfornmances by superb artists and orchestras from the recording archives of EMI Classics

For the sophisticated connoisseur of music, this is superb entertainment. And for the untutored and the novice, The Music Pack is an iresistible way to learn, understand and enjoy.
Artikelnummer / GSAN
Ron Van der Meer, Michael Berkeley
Buch Typ
Musik, Kunst, Musik, Musikalien, Musikgeschichte, Musiktheorie, Musiklehre,
Musik: Musizieren, Techniken, Anleitungen, Musik: Stile und Gattungen, Musikgeschichte, Schule und Lernen: Musik, Kinder- und Jugendsachbuch: Musik, Musikwissenschaft und Musiktheorie,
29 cm
3 cm
29 cm
1.1 kg

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