Frage zum Artikel Citizen Girl - Nicola Kraus, Emma McLaughlin
Citizen Girl - Nicola Kraus, Emma McLaughlin - Bild 2
Verkauf durch carla Wien

Citizen Girl - Nicola Kraus, Emma McLaughlin

€ 1,80
Citizen Girl - Nicola Kraus,Emma McLaughlin
Zustand: Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten sehr gut
Working in a world where a college degree qualifies her to make photocopies and color-coordinate file folders, twenty-four year old Girl is struggling to keep up with the essential trinity of food, shelter, and student loans. So when she finally lands the job of her dreams she ignores her misgivings and concentrates on getting the job done� whatever that may be. Sharply observed and devastatingly funny, Citizen Girl captures with biting accuracy what it means to be young and female in the new economy. A personal glimpse into an impersonal world, Citizen Girl is edgy and heartfelt, an entertaining read that is startlingly relevant.

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