Frage zum Artikel Encyclopedia of Japanese Swords (Paperback) - Markus Sesko
Encyclopedia of Japanese Swords (Paperback) - Markus Sesko - Bild 2
Verkauf durch carla Wien

Encyclopedia of Japanese Swords (Paperback) - Markus Sesko

€ 35,00
Encyclopedia of Japanese Swords (Paperback) - Markus Sesko
Zustand: Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten sehr gut
This completely new encyclopedic reference for the Japanese sword contains about 2,500 entries, many of them illustrated by photos and drawings. The Encyclopedia of Japanese Swords is an A-Z general encyclopedia covering each and every part of the sword: the blade, the mountings, the fittings, and all their different interpretations. Further, this encyclopedia also explains the literal or etymological meaning of each Japanese term and provides an even deeper insight into the subject.

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