Frage zum Artikel Peanuts: A Golden Celebration - Charles M. Schulz
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Verkauf durch carla Wien

Peanuts: A Golden Celebration - Charles M. Schulz

€ 19,00
Peanuts: A Golden Celebration - Charles M. Schulz
The Art and the Story of the World's Best-Loved Comic Strip
Zustand: Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten gut
THE PUBLICATION OF THIS BOOK MARKS 50 YEARS since the first Peanuts strip appeared in newspapers. I have been asked many times if I ever dreamed that Peanuts would become so successful. Obviously I did not know that Snoopy was going to go to the moon and I did not know that the term “happiness is a warmn puppy" would prompt hundreds of other such definitions and I did not know that the term "security blanket" would become part of the American language: but I did have the hope that I would be able to contribute something to a profession that I can now say I have loved all my life. However, I think I always surprise people when I say, “Well, frankly, I guess I did expect Peanuts would be successful, because after all, it was something I had planned for since I was six years old,

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