Frage zum Artikel Secret Wars - Jonathan Hickman
Secret Wars - Jonathan Hickman - Bild 2
Verkauf durch carla Wien

Secret Wars - Jonathan Hickman

€ 22,00
Secret Wars - Jonathan Hickman
Collecting Secret Wars # 1-9
Zustand: Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten gut erhalten
The Marvel Universe is no more! The interdimensional Incursions have eliminated each and every alternate universe one by one. And now - despite the best eff orts of scientists, sages and superhumans - the Marvel Universe and Ultimate Universe have collided...and been destroyed! All that exists in the vast empty cosmos is a single, titanic patchwork planet made of the fragmented remains of hundreds of devastated dimensions: Battleworld! And the survivors of this multiversal catastrophe all bend their knee to Battleworld's master: Doctor Doom! What strange creatures inhabit this world? Which familiar faces will return? And what happens when Battleworld's various domains go to war? The Marvel Universe is dead - and the victors of the Secret Wars will determine what comes next! COLLECTING: SECRET WARS 1-9, FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2015 SECRET WARS 0

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