Frage zum Artikel MISSING LINK - Anna Dabernig
MISSING LINK - Anna Dabernig - Bild 2
Verkauf durch carla Wien

MISSING LINK - Anna Dabernig

€ 25,00
MISSING LINK - Anna Dabernig
Strategien einer Architekt*innengruppe aus Wien 1970-1980
Sprache: Deutsch/Englisch
Zustand: Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten sehr gut erhalten
Conceptual architecture from the 1970s This book offers an in-depth look at the work of one of the most important phenomena of Austria’s avant-garde art and architecture scene of the 1970s, MISSING LINK. The group founded by Angela Hareiter, Otto Kapfinger, and Adolf Krischanitz took on interdisciplinary projects that sought lines of connection between people, architecture, art, urbanity, and the social fabric, and expanded the repertoire of architecture to include experimental concepts. The result was a multi-layered and highly regarded body of work that includes artistic installations, objects, paintings, drawings, and posters, as well as urban sociological studies, actions, and experimental television films. This volume combines a comprehensive ‘catalogue raisonné’ with numerous, mostly hitherto unpublished images. Accompanying a major exhibition at the Vienna MAK from 11 May to 2 October 2022 First monograph on the Viennese experimental group MISSING LINK Installations, objects, posters, paintings, drawings, in mostly previously unpublished images

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