Frage zum Artikel X-Force Volume 1 - Angels and Demons - Craig Kyle
X-Force Volume 1 - Angels and Demons - Craig Kyle - Bild 2
Verkauf durch carla Wien

X-Force Volume 1 - Angels and Demons - Craig Kyle

€ 25,00
X-Force Volume 1 - Angels and Demons
Collecting X-Force #1-6
Sprache: Englisch
Zustand: Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten gut erhalten
They are the X-Men's special black-ops strike team, created to go places and do things the regular squad can't or won't. The members? The best trackers and killers the X-Men have to offer: Wolverine, X-23, Warpath and Wolfsbane. Their name? X-Force. When the bloodthirsty, mutant-hating religious sect known as the Purifiers rears its head, the members of X-Force launch themselves into battle with claws out and teeth bared. But the team's plan is thrown into disarray when the Purifers get their hands on Wolfsbane. X-Force must make moves to rescue their teammate and put down the Purifiers permanently - but the religious sect has plans of its own. resurrecting some of the most heinous mutant -murderers in histoyr. As if that wasn't enough, the team also sees the return of a fan-favorite X-Man - though whether the X-Force will fight beside or against him remains to be seen.

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