The Feast of Fiction Kitchen - Jimmy Wong, Ashley Adams - Bild 1
The Feast of Fiction Kitchen - Jimmy Wong, Ashley Adams - Bild 1
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The Feast of Fiction Kitchen - Jimmy Wong, Ashley Adams

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Über The Feast of Fiction Kitchen - Jimmy Wong, Ashley Adams

Hosts of the Hit Youtube Channel: Feast of Fiction
Recipes inspired by TV, Movies, Games & Books
Sprache: Englisch
Zustand: Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten sehr gut erhalten
Recipes from Feast of Fiction, the innovative YouTube show featuring fantastical and fictional recipes inspired by books, movies, comics, video games, and more. Fans of Feast of Fiction have been clamoring for a cookbook since the channel debuted in 2011. Now it’s here! Just as they do on the small screen, hosts Jimmy Wong and Ashley Adams whip up their real-life interpretation of fictional dishes to pay homage in a genuine, geeky, and lively way. Jimmy brings a wealth of gamer and nerd cred to the table, and baker extraordinaire Ashley provides the culinary wisdom. The quirky duo offer an array of creative and simple recipes, featuring dishes inspired by favorites such as Star Trek and Adventure Time, as well as Butterbeer (Harry Potter), A Hobbit’s Second Breakfast, Mini “Dehydrated” Pizzas (Back to the Future), Sansa’s Lemon Cakes (Game of Thrones), and dishes from the niches of gaming, comics, and animation such as Fire Flakes (Avatar), Poke Puffs (Pokemon), and Heart Potions (The Legend of Zelda). With 55 unique and awesome dishes, this long-awaited cookbook will help inspire a pop culture dinner party, a fun night at home with family and friends, or an evening on the couch thinking about what you could be cooking!
Artikelnummer / GSAN
Sehr gut
Jimmy Wong,Ashley Adams
National Geographic Books
Buch Typ
Themenkochbücher, Kochbücher, Kochbuch,
Kochen und Rezepte allgemein, Kochen: Rezepte und Anleitungen,
21 cm
26 cm
2 cm
1 kg

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