The Dead Man in the Bunker - Martin Pollack - Bild 1
The Dead Man in the Bunker - Martin Pollack - Bild 1
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The Dead Man in the Bunker - Martin Pollack

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Volkshilfe Wien
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Über The Dead Man in the Bunker - Martin Pollack

"In 1947, a man is found shot to death in an old military bunker near the Brenner Pass that links Italy to Austria. His papers claim him to be a farm labourer; the scars on his face could only have come from duelling, the mark of a man who was once a member of a German student fraternity. He is Dr. Gerhard Bast, lawyer, athlete, former head of the Gestapo in the Austrian city of Linz and a wanted war criminal. A few years before, his affair with a married woman led to the birth of a son, Martin Pollack, who in his maturity sets out to discover the truth about his father." "Martin Pollack reveals that his loving grandparents, with whom he spent long and happy holidays as a child, were ardent and unrepentant Nazis who never ceased to hate and resent Jews and Slavs, and never acknowledged what their son had really done. And what he did is the heart of this book, as Pollack quietly, relentlessly reconstructs the family history, moving from present-day Slovenia - where his grandparents were involved in vicious sectarian strife with their Slav neighbours - through Austria between the wars, where the family were enthusiastic members of the illegal Nazi party. Once war begins in 1939, Pollack tracks his father from Austria to Poland and on into Russia, where he was the head of an Einsatzgruppe, a killing squad, and back into Poland during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. The closing months of the war find him rounding up Jews and partisans in Slovakia. In every place that Pollack's father has been, the evidence of mass murder mounts higher and higher, the undeniable evidence impossible to resist."--BOOK JACKET.
Artikelnummer / GSAN
Martin Pollack
Faber & Faber
Buch Typ
Fathers and sons, Germany, biography, Germany, history, 1933-1945,

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