Scraps Of The Untainted Sky - Tom Moylan - Bild 1
Scraps Of The Untainted Sky - Tom Moylan - Bild 1
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Scraps Of The Untainted Sky - Tom Moylan

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Über Scraps Of The Untainted Sky - Tom Moylan

Moylan (media and cultural studies, Liverpool John Moores U., England) examines the history, aesthetics, and politics of dystopia, focusing on the methodological paradigm that developed within the fields of science fiction studies and utopian studies as they grew out of the oppositional political culture of the 1960s and 1970s. He then describes the textual structure and formal operations of the dystopian text and discusses those that emerged in the context of the conservatism and corporate restructuring of the 1980s and 1990s. Annotation copyrighted by Book News Inc., Portland, OR
Artikelnummer / GSAN
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Tom Moylan
Westview Press
History and criticism, Social Science, Science fiction, Dystopias in literature, Science fiction, history and criticism, Utopias in literature,

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