The New Muslim Brotherhood in the West - Lorenzo Vidino - Bild 1
The New Muslim Brotherhood in the West - Lorenzo Vidino - Bild 1
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The New Muslim Brotherhood in the West - Lorenzo Vidino

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Artikel Beschreibung

In both Europe and North America, organizations tracing their origins back to the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist movements have rapidly evolved into multifunctional, richly funded organizations. They now compete to become the major representatives of Western Muslim communities and government interlocutors. Some analysts and policy makers see these organizations as positive forces encouraging integration. Others treat them as modern-day Trojan horses that feign moderation while radicalizing Western Muslims. Lorenzo Vidino brokers a third and more informed view. Having completed more than a decade of research on political Islam in the West, Vidino is keenly qualified to analyze a movement that is as controversial as it is unknown. Conducting in-depth interviews on four continents and sourcing documents in ten languages, Vidino shares the history, methods, views, and goals of the Western Brothers, as well as their phenomenal growth. He then flips the perspective, examining the response to these groups by Western governments, concentrating specifically on Great Britain, Germany, and the United States. Highly informed and thoughtfully presented, Vidino's work sheds light on a critical juncture in Muslim-Western relations and the role Islam plays for a variety of uprooted individuals.
Lorenzo Vidino
Columbia University Press
Buch Typ
Politics and government
Islam and politics
Political Science
Islamic fundamentalism
Terrorism, religious aspects
Artikelnummer / GSAN
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