Frage zum Artikel Nistisima - Georgina Hayden
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Verkauf durch carla Wien

Nistisima - Georgina Hayden

€ 18,00
Nistisima - Georgina Hayden
the secret to delicious vegan cooking from the Mediterranean and beyond
"Mouthwatering recipes and beautiful storytelling - I want a seat at Georgie´s table" Jamie Oliver
Over 120 vegan recipes that have stood the test of time, from award winning food writer Gergina Hayden
Nistisima means fasting food - food eaten during Lent and othe times of fasting observed by those of Orthodox faith.
Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten in gutem Zustand
No fads, no frills, just 120 vegan recipes that have stood the test of time from award-winning food writer Georgina Hayden. Nistisima means fasting food - food eaten during lent and other times of fasting observed by those of Orthodox faith. Mostly this involves giving up meat and dairy and instead using vegetables, pulses and grains to create easy, delicious dishes that all just happen to be vegan. In this book, Georgina draws on the history and culture around nistisimo cooking in the Mediterranean, Middle East and Eastern Europe to share the simple, nutritious and flavour-packed recipes at the heart of the practice. Whether you're vegan, vegetarian, or simply want to eat more plant-based food, Nistisima offers you tried and tested recipes that celebrate the very best of this tradition - all bursting with flavour and all surprisingly vegan.

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