Frage zum Artikel Theodore Manolides - Athēna Schina, Theodore Manolides
Theodore Manolides - Athēna Schina, Theodore Manolides - Bild 2
Verkauf durch carla Wien

Theodore Manolides - Athēna Schina, Theodore Manolides

€ 19,00
Theodore Manolides - Athēna Schina, Theodore Manolides
Manolides ist einer der wichtigsten zeitgenössischen Künstler Griechenlands und über dessen Grenzen hinaus durch Ausstellung in Europa und den USA bekannt
Schutzhülle leicht berieben und bestoßen
Einband aus schwarzem Leinen mit Goldprägung ist leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten in ausgezeichnetem Zustand
Theodore Manolides is a profoundly Mediterranean artist who draws his inspiration from myths and nature. The paintings of Manolides reflect his fascination for ancient Greece and its myths, and for the nature of the Mediterranean. His still lifes are a new marker in a long European tradition, he depicts vases, statues, masks, and embroidery that have both a patina of age and the freshness of the Mediterranean, portraying flowers, leaves, and fruits. Through the represented objects, he creates a lively dialogue between different eras and cultures, bringing together myths and human beings, nature, and man-made works.These realistic works of art display an exceptional skill and variety in drawing, color and composition, which communicate a feeling of their tangibility. Manolides' paintings are imbued with a vitality and monumentality that resist the erosion of time.

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