Frage zum Artikel Contact with Alien Civilizations - Michael Michaud
Contact with Alien Civilizations - Michael Michaud - Bild 2
Verkauf durch carla Wien

Contact with Alien Civilizations - Michael Michaud

€ 15,00
Contact with Alien Civilizations - Our Hopes and Fears about Encountering Extraterrestrials - Michael Michaud
Lila Pappeinband mit goldener Prägung
Schutzhülle leicht berieben und bestoßen
Schnittkanten in gutem Zustand
in thinking about contaact with alien Civilizations, we have to consider a host of questions....
This book describes a wide variety of speculations by many authors about the consequences for humanity of coming into contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. The assumptions underlying those speculations are examined, and some conclusions are drawn. The book emphasizes the consequences of contact rather than the search, and takes account of popular views. As necessary background, the book also includes brief summaries of the history of thinking about extraterrestrial intelligence, searches for life and for signals, contrasting paradigms of how contact might take place, and the paradox that those paradigms allegedly create.

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