Plant Love - How to care for your houseplants - Alys Fowler - Bild 1
Plant Love - How to care for your houseplants - Alys Fowler - Bild 2
Plant Love - How to care for your houseplants - Alys Fowler - Bild 3
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Plant Love - How to care for your houseplants - Alys Fowler - Bild 1
Plant Love - How to care for your houseplants - Alys Fowler - Bild 2
Plant Love - How to care for your houseplants - Alys Fowler - Bild 3
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Plant Love - How to care for your houseplants - Alys Fowler

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Über Plant Love - How to care for your houseplants - Alys Fowler

Plant Love - How to care for your houseplants - Alys Fowler
Tipps zur Pflege, Geschichte und Entwicklung der einzelnen Pflanzen in der Wohnung und wie man sich besser um diese kümmern kann
Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen
Schnittkanten in gutem Zustand
Houseplants are more than just decorations. They turn a room into a living space and breathe life into our interiors. Not all of us can have a garden or even a window box, but everyone can own a houseplant - and everyone should. Not only are they an affordable and attractive way to add a decorative and personal touch to a space, indoor plants also have unique air purifying properties and their presence is good for our health and wellbeing. In this practical yet inspiring guide, gardening expert Alys Fowler explores all the possible indoor plant options available, helping you to find the perfect plant for any location, from cool, shady bedrooms to warm, sunny kitchen windowsills. As well as more traditional indoor plants, Alys looks at specialist plant groups such as indoor tropical edibles, orchids, cacti, succulents and climbers. With her encyclopedic knowledge and trademark inspirational style, this definitive guide will give you all the knowledge you need to care for your plants.
Artikelnummer / GSAN
Alys Fowler
Kyle Books
Buch Typ
Hobby, Haus, Pflanzen, Gardening/Plants,
Gärtnern: Ratgeber für Pflanzen und Pflege, Pflanzen, Pflanzenbiologie,
21 cm
24 cm
1.7 cm
0.651 kg

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