Frage zum Artikel Once Upon a Time - paintings, drawings, and tall tales by Jeremy Fish
Once Upon a Time - paintings, drawings, and tall tales by Jeremy Fish - Bild 2
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Once Upon a Time - paintings, drawings, and tall tales by Jeremy Fish

€ 45,00
Once Upon a Time - paintings, drawings, and tall tales by Jeremy Fish
Ledergebundenes Buch mit den Werken von Jeremy Fish von 2005-2008
brauner Ledereinband mit goldener Prägung, leicht berieben und bestoßen
Schnittkanten goldeinfärbt, in sehr gutem Zustand
Buch ist allgemein in einem sehr guten Zustand
San Francisco based artist Jeremy Fish uses a recurring cast of characters to tell tall tales through his finely rendered paintings and illustrations. A bunny, the sea captain, the fish creatures, the winged skull and others recur in various combinations of fins, hands, wings and peg legs like a zoological fantasia with a surreal narrative. Fish has designed countless skateboard decks and vinyl toys and most notably, collaborated with hip hop artist Aesop Rock for whom he designed the cover art and packaging for his album None Shall Pass. Once Upon a Time delivers Jeremy's newest painting and sculptures and offers another glimpse into the fertile mind of the artist.

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