Frage zum Artikel Sapere Aude - Herbert Matis, Arnold Suppan
Sapere Aude - Herbert Matis, Arnold Suppan - Bild 2
Verkauf durch carla Wien

Sapere Aude - Herbert Matis, Arnold Suppan

€ 16,00
Sapere Aude
Berichte, Fakten, Analysten - ein Kompendium
Die österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften seit 1918
Das Buch ist allgemein sehr gut erhalten
To celebrate its 175th anniversary in 2022, this source-based and chronologically arranged history of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) since 1918 summarises the development of the academy over a hundred year period against an ever-changing political, ideological, social and financial background. The aim of the two authors was to present the temporal watersheds, the structural changes, the continuity and breaks in the development of the OeAW, as well as the structure and work of the individual research institutions. The focus is also on the constantly changing conditions with regard to science policy since the Republic of Austria was founded, and the gradual development of the academy from what was primarily a learned society to a modern research(-funding) organisation comprising 25 large and medium-sized institutes for the life sciences, the natural, social and cultural sciences, and the humanities, of a type that is found in only a few European academies of sciences. For the first time ever the financial aspects are also addressed in a structured manner, insofar as the available sources permit this. Furthermore, the scientific achievements of individual researchers at the OeAW are also highlighted.

ist emer. Professor für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, ist Vizepräsident der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften von 2011 bis 2013 und seit 2021 und em. Professor für Osteuropäische Geschichte an der Universität Wien

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