Frage zum Artikel The Mezze Cookbook - Salma Hage
The Mezze Cookbook - Salma Hage - Bild 2
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The Mezze Cookbook - Salma Hage

€ 22,00
The Mezze Cookbook
Sharing plates from the middle east
From the James Beard Award-winning author Salma Hage
Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten sehr gut erhalten
A vibrant collection of exciting, exotic, and sharing-plate recipes from across the Middle EastMore than 135 home-cooking recipes in this book explore the regional diversity of Middle Eastern sharing dishes, from Lebanon and Iran to Turkey and Syria. Divided by style of dish, the book features both meat-based and vegetarian dishes, along with suggested mezze-style menus and a glossary of ingredients. From Roasted Cauliflower with Tahini and Smoked Paprika to Pistachio and Pomegranate Cakes, The Mezze Cookbook is packed with both traditional and modern takes on this age-old way to share food.This cookbook is filled with vegetarian, meat-based, and fish recipes for everyone to enjoy.From the author of the acclaimed The Lebanese Kitchen and the James Beard Award-winning The Middle Eastern Vegetarian Cookbook, also published by Phaidon.

Lebanese Salma Hage, from Mazarat Tiffah (Apple Hamlet) in the mountains of the Kadisha Valley in north Lebanon, has more than 50 years of experience of family cooking. She learned to cook from her mother, mother-in-law, and sisters-in-law, and spent many years working as a professional cook. This is her third book, after The Lebanese Kitchen and the James Beard Award-winning The Middle Eastern Vegetarian Cookbook.

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