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The Comics Journal #302 - Gary Groth

€ 12,00
The Comics Journal #302 - Gary Groth
Wendebuch 580 Seiten "The Comics Journal #302 - Gary Groth" 101 Seiten "TCJ TARDI - A CareerSpanning Interview on his life, his work ad his new book about his father´s war"
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The 2011 edition of the newly formatted 600-plus page Comics Journal proved to be a massive hit, with Comics Journal #302 poised to replicate that success as a vital print compendium of critiques, interviews and comics.The cover feature is an extraordinary and unique interview-portrait of Maurice Sendak, one of the greatest children's book illustrators of the century. Other features include a lengthy interview with French graphic novel pioneer Jaques Tardi. Fans of all types of graphic novel and comics in general will find features that will inform and entertain.

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