Frage zum Artikel Quay - Peter Gilmore
Quay - Peter Gilmore - Bild 2
Verkauf durch carla Wien

Quay - Peter Gilmore

€ 19,00
Quay - Peter Gilmore
Food inspired by nature
Einband leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten sehr gut erhalten
"Peter Gilmore's flavour profiles are exquisite - his cuisine is a brilliant representation of Australia today - global while maintaining its indigenous spirit." Thomas Keller. Quay, one of the top 50 restaurants in the world, is a showcase for Peter Gilmore's culinary genius. Peter's nature-based philosophy and the organic presentation that is synonymous with the fine dining experience at Quay is reflected in the stunning photography and illustration of this eagerly anticipated book. Quay's recipes, including the irresistible eight-texture chocolate cake and signature 'sea pearls', will take you on an inspirational adventure, exploring flavor, texture and technique. Start with a single component, build to a show-stopping dish, or simply enjoy the visual and culinary journey.

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