Frage zum Artikel Public Enemies - Bryan Burrough
Public Enemies - Bryan Burrough - Bild 2
Verkauf durch Volkshilfe Wien

Public Enemies - Bryan Burrough

€ 10,00
In 1933 a crime wave blazed across America. Fuelled by cheap liquor and fast cars, gangs of chancers, bank robbers, gunslingers and their molls cut a murderous, cash-snatching dash through the US - and became legends. Among them were homicidal Baby Face Nelson, outlaws Bonnie and Clyde, cranky hillbilly Ma Barker and, most deadly of all, the suave gentleman criminal John Dillinger. This is the breakneck story of America's most wanted, and their nemesis: J.Edgar Hoover and his strong-arm law enforcers, the agents of the FBI. Using shocking secret files and eyewitness accounts, Public Enemies reveals the facts about the crime spree that shook America.

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