IT WAS THE PERFECT SUMMER ESCAPE. Some people stay all summer long on the idyllic island of Belle Isle, North Carolina. Others come only for the weekends, and the mix between the regulars and “the weekenders” can sometimes make the sparks fly. Riley has a season of good times with friends and family ahead of her on Belle Isle when things take an unexpected turn. While waiting for her husband to arrive on the ferry one Friday afternoon, Riley is confronted by a process server who thrusts papers into her hand. And her husband is nowhere to be found. AND NOW THERE’S NO TURNING BACK... Riley turns to her island friends for help and support, but it soon becomes clear that each of them has secrets of their own and the clock is ticking as the mystery a murderous way. Now Riley must the truth of about what’s happened on Belle Island, the husband she might not really know, and the summer that could change everything.
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